Legislation is the main responsibility of Parliament. Study by Mzalendo and other credible firms have ranked Senator Esther Okenyuri among the most Active members of the 4th Senate/ 13th Parliament of Kenya. Sen Okenyuri participates in all senate sittings except when she is out on senate assignments outside the Currently. 

Senator Okenyuri has drafted a number of bills among them;

  1. The County Civic Education Bill, 2023; a legislative proposal that seeks to put in place a legal frame work to guide the conduct of Civic Education in the County. Civic Education plays a very important role in shaping citizen attitudes, behaviors and values which will enable citizens to be aware of their rights and responsibilities to effectively participate in governance.
  2. The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood) Bill, 2023 that seeks to achieve the following objectives by providing a standard framework for-
  • Entrenching the right to informal trading; regulation of informal trading including areas for the conduct of such trade and licensing by counties.
  • For the designation and use of public space for the informal trade; and
  • Public participation in the designation of vending zones and regulations of informal traders.

Click here to Download the Bill

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